About travel

2017/05/29 14:44

'To the moon and beyond' is a small story I read when I was high school student.
I can't remember every detail of the story, though I remember a bit about the beginning. It was a Greek mythology of Icarus and Daedalus.
I think, there's no one in this class who don't know the fact of which humans had landing on the moon. But it is becoming a remote memory. Because already 45Years are past since Apollo program had end.
So, it is not strange that most of young people don't know about what was Apollo program, and how many people were landing on the moon.
And of course they don't know this famous phrase of Neal Armstrong's
'That`s one small step for a man, one giant leap for man kind'
By the way, why Uncle Sam decided to quit the mission to go to the moon? I don't know exact reason, but maybe the cost is one of the main reasons, and I have heard the space debris becoming a severe problem for astronauts safety.
While China is aggressively compel the plan to the moon. They have strong will Developing the moon. And gaining many resources of the moon. Mainly He3. Helium3 is a one of the precious materials of using for nuclear fuel.
Why we like travel. Why we can't stay same place long time. I said 'we'. It means all creatures including plants, and fungus. I think we destined to move. Moving to hither and thither, we call it travel. it is intrinsic nature of us.
To the moon, it already had done. The next, we humans, or if we cannot, may be another creature on this planet, possibly human made creatures willing to go Mars, and beyond.
Anyway, We all have one way ticket to the celestial body name of death. We are all travelers of life.
'The months and days are the travelers of eternity. The years that come and go are also voyagers. Those who float away their lives on ships or who grow old leading horses are forever journeying and their homes are wherever their travels take them'
End quote