奔訳 白牙48

2017/12/06 00:19






Fire ants

2017/10/06 11:03

I didn't know about Fire Ants or Hiari, except it's name. But I just thought that it should have poison, guessing from that name. Because the name Fire remind us a specific image that is something very painful like barnnig.

But, later I found out that I am misunderstanding about its name. It was named after its colour.

And another thing I knew is that it is not Japan origin. Namely It is a
alien species.
I was qurious in this tiny insect as always, so I googled it. And I found many many intersting things. Amasingly, It possibly kill people. The venom causing pain, and sometimes kill people by anaphyilaxy shock of alkaroids of which contain in the venom.

By the way, do you know the name of W D Hamilton? He was an English evolutionally biologist. And his significant work in his field was relating to our todays topic; ants.
And his discovery reminds me one of Aesop's Fables. It is a story..., I don't know the title, but it about foots and stomach's quarrel.
One day, foots dispute with stomach. He said you are so lazy, while I walkig for serch any foods, you are just sleeping.
And after such quarrel, foots stop to walking. One hour past, and two hours, three hours, and two days past.

And foots finally noticed that his allegation to stomach is compleatly wrong. Because, mot only stomach, but foots themselves are getting weak and weak.

Let the Fable aside, Hamilton’s great discovery is that since Darwin’s historical book; The origin of seed, there is one problem of which yet no one can solve. It was why bees and ants are acting like altruistic behavior. as you know, there is so called worker bees and soldier bees, and they are working for their queen. their allegiance for their queen is thinking higher than of humans.

In a Christianity world, sacrifice is a most valuable virtue, so it is not strange that their behavior is something relating to god.

But, Hamilton solved this problem logically. He reveals that their behavior is not altruistic but egocentric. Because they have same gene as their queen have.
This mean is, as I mentioned before, as same as Aesop’s foots and stomach.

We have many organs. Lever, Kidney, lungs, heart, brain, skin, and of cause foots and stomach. These organs are deriving from same one cell.
Hamilton discovered that one ant or one bee are seeming one individual, but it is not true, like our internal organs or skin, hair, they are just one organ.


The Travel

2017/09/18 13:06

"To the moon and beyond" is a small story I read when I was high school student.
I can't remember every detail of the story, though I remember a bit about the beginning. It was a Greek mythology of Icarus and Daedalus.

I think, there's no one in this class who don't know the fact of which humans had landing on the moon. But it is becoming a remote memory. Because already 45Years are past since Apollo program had end.

So, it is not strange that most of young people don't know about what was Apollo program, and how many people were landing on the moon.
And of course they don't know this famous phrase of Neal Armstrong's

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for man kind"

By the way, why Uncle Sam decided to quit the mission to go to the moon? I don't know exact reason, but maybe the cost is one of the main reasons, and I have heard the space debris becoming a severe problem for astronaut's safety.

While China is aggressively compel the plan to the moon. They have strong will developing the moon, and gaining many resources of the moon. This is mainly He3. Helium3 is a one of the precious materials of using for nuclear fuel.

Why we like travel. Why we can't stay same place long time. I said "we". It means all creatures including plants, and fungus. I think we destined to move. Moving to hither and thither, we call it travel. it is intrinsic nature of us.
To the moon, it already had done. The next, we humans, or if we can not, may be another creature on this planet, possibly human made creatures willing to go Mars, and beyond.

Anyway, we all have one way ticket to the celestial body name of death. We are all travelers of life.


"The months and days are the travelers of eternity. The years that come and go are also voyagers. Those who float away their lives on ships or who grow old leading horses are forever journeying and their homes are wherever their travels take them"

End quote

My way of life

2017/08/18 17:13

Jack London, Mark RowLands, and Henry David Thoreau, are authors, I recently read. These authors are have something in common. And me either.

They are all misanthrope, in my point of view. That why I am fascinated by their books.

Sometimes l feel insanity of this world. And myself, when thinking about this world, the universe, I am feeling strong fear of going to be madman. Why? Don't you ever think like this? Why are we exist, or why this world should be this form, and so on.

I don't believe any religion. But I am not atheist. I believe science to a certain extent. It means that I am not complete science believer. Because, I know that there are many things in this world ofwhich absolutely unknowable. So I am namely an agnostic.

I'll show you example for your understanding why I becoming an agnostic.

As you know pi is an infinite series. So even now, super computers are solving pi, for themselves's own performance check. And this moment now, if one of them found latest number of pi, still next number is unknown.
Needless to say that pi is a mathematic. And, of course all series of numbers are steady, and determined.

Don’t you think this is very strange, and weird, do you?

And if I show you my opinion, this fact indicating that this world's destiny, including us, is already determined. But, we can’t know it. We have no way to know it.

I am agnostic, and determinist. I am living in such man maddening world.

Anyway, this is my way of living, my stile of living.



2017/08/06 20:24


I have never felted lonesome, or in the least oppressed by a sense of solitude, but once, and that was a few weeks after I came to the woods, when, for an hour, I doubted if the near neighborhood of man was not essential to a serene and healthy life. To be alone was something unplesant. But I was at the same time conscious of a slight insanity in my mood, and seemed to foresee my recoverly. In the midst of a gentle rain while these thoughts prevailed, I was suddenly sensible of such sweet and beneficent society in Nature, in the very pattering of the drops, and in every sound and sight around my house, an infinite and unaccountable freindliness all at once like an atmosphere sustaining me, as made the fancied advantages of human neghborhood insignigicant, and I have never thought of them since. Every little pine needle expanded and swelled with sympathy and befreinded me. I was so distinctly made aware of the presence of something kindred to me, even in scenes which we are accustomed to call wild and dreary, and also that the nearest of blood to me and humanest was not a person nor a villager, that I thought no place could ever be strange to me again.

"Morning untimely consumes the sad; Few are their days in tha land of the living, Beautiful daughter of Toscar."



Imperial house in Japan

2017/07/21 16:32

Japanese Imperial house have many problems today. And, I think, to say this is impolite, even rude, but such problems have been occurring since Masakosama had married with the Crown Prince.

Honestly speaking, I am very concern about future of Imperial house. Because there are bad rumors about the house. One of these is that Aikosama have a deep mental illness, not only her mother Masakosama. Or Aikosama have two doubles. In here, double mean is 'kagemusha'.

Particularly, the one, in these rumors, mostly critical issue for Imperial house`s existence, in my opinion is that the next Emperor, the Crown Prince Naruhito is saying that he can`t go through Torii.

As you know Torii is a red painted gate, of which all jinjya have.It is a symbol of Shintoism. And,no need to say, the Emperor is a Pope of Shintoism, namely.

Is that true? Pope of Shintoism can’t go through Torii.

But, What if these were just rumors, why such rumors were spreading in the internet world. I said now, rumors, but, I think even many of them are rumors, but some of them are truth. Because as a proverb saying that there`s no smoke without fire.

I know that Masakosama`s father Hisasi Owada was a very powerful bureaucrat of Ministry of foreign affaires, and I know that in the Ministry, a big group named Ootorikai is exist, and all members of this group were known as a Soukagakkaiin.

If you are naive enough, you will be astonishing to hear what I talking. But, I am not been brain washing by some dubious internet article.

I am certain that someone, or some country with evil intent, will destroying our countries system.

Old timer like me call it Kokutai, it is not kokumin taiikutaikai, it true meaning,I think is that our country's true way of existence.

I dare say, there are evil intent people who are relating to Imperial house.


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